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Rooksdown is part of the Basingstoke West district for policing.

If an incident occurs that needs to be reported to the Police then the 101 number should be called as soon as possible. If it is a “Life Threatening” incident then the 999 system should be used. A report of the incident will be taken by Control Room staff and they can decide the best method of deployment. The call takers can record all the information directly on to a computer and it can be quickly disseminated to numerous units and agencies, making it a very efficient system.

Community Priorities

The community priorities that have been identified for Rooksdown are:

  • Anti-Social Behaviour around Norrie Court/Canadian Way
  • Anti-Social Behaviour around the Community Centre

Current Concerns

The overall reported crime for Rooksdown remains low. There has been a fluctuating issue with Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). This has ranged from youths gathering and being rowdy to loud music and parties.

I would therefore urge residents to report these incidents of ASB to the Police as they are occurring. Please give as much detail as possible when contacting us. The exact location of the incident is vital if a Police unit is to be deployed. It is also assists in analysing which particular streets or areas are experiencing problems. The nature of the incident needs to be explained, i.e. loud music, children causing a nuisance, etc. If it is a group that you are reporting then descriptions of the group are important, i.e. numbers involved, their gender, description of their clothing, any names that you know or hear being called. If it is music from an address which address is it coming from. If it is in a block, which floor or window is it coming from.

Beat Surgeries / RSNP Meetings

Beat surgeries are usually held at the Rooksdown Community Centre. The forthcoming dates are on the police site.



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